Tammy Zebruck
Tammy Zebruck lives in Kenora, Ontario on the northern shore of Lake of the Woods where you can’t help but develop a fascination for water and wilderness. They are all around. This piece of earth is more water than it is land and it is the water and its interface with the land -- beaches, and shorelines -- that fascinates her most. Sparkle, shine, reflectivity, transparency and waters’ changeability are common themes; its fluidity and movement are a metaphor for time and memory.
Tammy has exhibited in group exhibitions across Canada. She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Manitoba in 2000. She works in acrylic and oil paint, drawing media and printmaking.
Art work is available from the artist and through the following galleries:
Chenier Fine Arts. 8 Court St. South, Thundery Bay, Ontario. www.chenierfinearts.ca
Elizabeth Campbell Books. 129 Main St. South, Kenora, Ontario. www.ecbooks.ca